Chapter 00: A Nostomodern Review?

Welcome to The Nostomodern Review! This is an ongoing essay series on Modernism and its future in the 21st Century and beyond by Thomas J. Pellarin, a writer interested in philosophy and speculative futures.

Each essay forms parts of the Nostomodernist project: a quasi-scholarly attempt at reevaluating what it means to be Modern in contemporary times, to possibly reconcile the gap between Modernism and its successors, and to speculate on new trajectories within the current era of history via a mythic reading of Modernity itself.

I write these essays to challenge my own ways of thinking, to see how far I can go with a certain idea, and to help improve my own thoughts and writing in ways that I feel are more productive than simple daydreaming. In that regard they are all thoughts-in-progress—snapshots of a particular dream.

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“Los Entering the Grave” from William Blake’s Jerusalem, 1804–1820

Copyright © Thomas J. Pellarin, 2020. All rights reserved.

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A mythic critique of Modernity and its futures in the 21st Century and beyond.
